The goal for Michael Taylor and Steve Skillet was to indeed find the world’s tallest tree no matter what they had to go through. Michael actually quit Humboldt State University to have more time to study and climb trees. After a while Michael realized that he needed to go back to college so he took a loan and decided to go back to college. But college was not going to stop Michael on what his dream truly was.
In climbing trees there is a lot of risks that they took every day to do what they love. One example from the book is that they said since your upper half of your body is heavier then your lower half your body will turn upside down in mid air. The shock from you hitting the ground crushes your skull and breaks the neck and destroys the brain and spinal cord of the base of the skull. Instant death. Mary Antoine one time climbing a tree almost died as she fell 40 feet out of a tree. One big risk that Steve Skillet took is that he lost his wife due to the love of trees. He wouldn’t spend enough time with her and she felt like they were not meant to be anymore.
With tree climbing and adventures Michael and Steve had explored and discovered. Fog Creek, Devil’s Creek, Tom McDonald Creek, Bond Creek, and Elam Creek, were some places that they explored through out tree climbing. When Steve went to field brook valley in front of him as the biggest red wood he has ever seen before. His heart was beating like mad, and he was fumbling with his instrument and all most crying. He started to measure the tall redwood’s top, but he couldn’t see the top. The tree ran out of sight. He had discovered the ultimate tree. Every time they climb a tree they create a name for it. For example one of the names they created for a tree was nameless.
Steve and Michael through out this book go on a lot of adventures discovering things that no one has found before. They went through a lot of obstacles between school, jobs, and regular life. They overcame these to do what they truly loved to do. Climb trees.