Steinbeck uses 3 charaters i think to establish the tone of the book and to show what direction the book is going in. the 3 characters are Jim Casy, Ma Joad, and Tom Joad. These characters directed what direction Grapes of Wrath went.
Jim casy contributed a big roll in the book. The ex-preacher shared alot of his knowlage, and has a big influence on the joad family."Maybe there ain't no sin and there ain't no virtue, they's just what people does. Some things folks do is nice and some ain't so nice, and that's all any man's got a right to say." Jim casy was a preacher and shared some of his knolwegae throughout the trip with everyone they encounted and who he was with. Sin was the reason he stoped becoming a preacher, but he still had knolwge to share and also he would preach of what he knows. He really guieded the Joad family to not give up and believe that they can find work and make it to California.
Tom Joad was another huge influcence on the family for a number of reasons. He just got out of jail for manslaughter and is trying to get home to his family. He hitches a ride and met some new people. One person he met was jim casy. tom has big infulence on how they get to Califronia and through out the whole trip. Tom is also not afarid to get in a fight so he for the trip and is the protector. He is open to everyone and anything, and is not afarid of anything.
The biggest contrubuter and that drives the story is Ma joad. She is “the citadel of the family.” She cares about everyone and helps everyone that needs help. She is the mom of the family and accepts Jim Casy into their family. Everybody can trust her with everything and feels safe around her. "We're going' to California, ain't we? All right then let's go to California."She really modivates the family to go to california.With these 3 characters, they all play a big role into forming were the book is going to head. Through the different characters they show different prepectives to show the tone of Grapes of Wrath.