Friday, December 4, 2009

Wild Trees

1. How did you react to the idea that even in the 21st century, there are still parts of California (and the world) that are completely undiscovered? What does this make you think & feel?

I think that it is uncalled for, and people should start discovering the parts of California and the rest of the world that has not been seen or found. There are complaints about how there is not enough oil, trees and water. So if people look to discover the parts that have not been found there could be more oil, trees, and what that we need. It makes me feel that people are not trying hard enough to solve problems environmental in the world.

3. Before people started exploring the tree canopies, many people assumed it was like a desert up there (barren of life). It turned out to more like a coral reef (teeming with biodiversity). Why were so many people so wrong? Why did they make the wrong assumption? What lessons should we learn from these discoveries?

People that do not climb trees or that have not been to the top of a tree does not understand how it is up there. They do not under stand the biodiversity that happens in side and through out the tree. People just make assumptions and just guess on what it is like for the trees. We should all learn and understand the discoveries that has happened.

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