Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Semester 2 Blog 11

Write an open letter to a particular leader (or leading group of people) in which you outline specific advice to improve the American/Californian/local/other economy. Choose a leader that represents a group or place that you are interested in—you might pick the President, the Governor, a corporate leader, local government officials, small businesses, etc.

Dear Obama,

I know were are in a “depression” right now. And you have not done much to get us out. Spending all your time and all the money we do not have towards people that can’t afford healthcare. Maybe if you helped more people get jobs people would have money, less companies would have to shut down, and we would not have to spend money we do not have.

Even around my neighbor and other places lots of houses have been closed down because people do not have the money to pay the rent. If you were to take some control on the banks, people we would not be in this depression. Also spending money that we do not have is not a good idea.

Good Luck,

Corey Murillo

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