Thursday, April 22, 2010

Semester DOS, Blog #15

Many aspects of our modern world can be traced wholly or in part to World War 2 and it's aftermath. Take a look at the following list and select one section that interests you most. Write a blog entry in which you explain why it interests you, what you already know and what you hope to learn about it in the near future. Optional, but highly encouraged: post pictures, images, and links to helpful resources.
Technology (like nuclear energy)

The only really thing i know about nuclear energy is bombs/explosions, jets/airplanes. Im pretty sure that during WWII they had spend tons of money on these products to bomb allies at war. I want to know how much they spent on these products of nuclear energy. Also to find out how they got all the money, because i'm assuming that it costs a lot of money to built ships and airplanes and also weapons. I would also like to know allmost ever bomb and ship used during WWII and how much effect it had on the war.

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