Thursday, June 17, 2010

Semester Reflection Part 1

Choose at least three (3) of the following and answer them in depth. I will quote from your answers in your report card comments, so please take time to edit & revise your writing, ensuring that it is ready for public consumption. For each answer, be sure to use specific evidence & examples.

1. What project was most valuable to you, and what have you gained from it?
2. Describe one valuable mistake you made this year.
3. What challenges do you face as a student in a project-based learning environment?

1. Ampersand. Because ampersand really showed me a lot about the real world. I wrote my article about my internship. While writing about and reflecting back to internship through ampersand it really showed me a lot in the real world about being with the athletic director in for the HTHV. This gave me experience with working with an adult that knows what he is doing and is passionate about it.

2. One valuable mistake that i made this year was asking for help. My grades for math, humanities, and engineering reflect on how i did not ask for help. For example in the 4 engineering quizzes we had i got F on all of them. Not asking for help really brought my grade down in engineering, humanities and math class.

3. Staying on task was my biggest challenge. Because when we are assigned a project we have a lot of freedom from when the project starts to when it ends. For example the Slaughter House 5 project that we just finished. We had a lot of freedom on the project which made me slack on starting and finishing the project to my fullest ability.

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