Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Semester 2 Blog 5

1. Alias Mentor Interview

I like alia's mentor interview because it is very organized and professional looking.
As you can see it has a quote on the top that is bold and it really starts off the mentor interview. The picture had a border around it, so it makes it organized and it stands out.

2. Beth's Front Page of DP

I think this is really good because it actually looks like the words she typed were originally in the photo. Even though this is not her picture it really makes it professional because of the font she used and how well it blended in. It also really shows how Beth is.

3. Lynn's Front Page of DP

This is a good example of a very professional website. When I went on Lynn's DP i looked at it and it is very professional and organized. All the text is alined perfectly, the colors correspond to each other and is easy to use.

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