Tuesday, September 15, 2009

American Icons Reflections

1. What I discovered about my writing during this project is that it was just a lot of words on a piece of paper. The order of my writing is good but just making all of my writing sound good, flow and professional was difficult for me.

2. In my writing I used "avoiding -ings." I looked a my paper and edited allmost all of the -ings in my writing. This really helped because when I read it with the -ings it sounded really bad and not as good as it could be. But when I took out all the -ings it really made my writing a lot better.

3. If I had one more draft to do I would look at all the advice that Randy gave us for writing tools and try to use a least one more of those to make my writing better. I would also look at every sentence and make sure it is the best possible sentence I can write.

4. " In the year 1959 that's when their lives changed and 50 years later so did mine."
I think this is a really powerful sentence because when you read it it makes a statement in your mind and when you read the words "so did mine"really changes the way you read the sentence. It also shows how when their lives changed mine did 50 years after them.

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