Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Industrializations and Coastal Environments

Industrializations and Coastal Environments

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is issuing a final rule to ensure that safe and reliable drinking water is provided to aircraft passengers and crew......

1. What is the issue, controversy or event in the story? What are the basic facts?
the EPA is issuing that the drinking wanter for the passengers on the aircrafts would get safe, and reliable water to drink. It also provides the protections through coliform sampling, public notifications, and monitoring and operator training.

2. What information is missing from the story?
I think the information that is missing in the story is the big reason why they want to make this big movement to make the drinking water for aircraft passengers reliable and safe. Everyone wants safe and reliable water but what is the main reason why they decided to do this?

3. What would be your next steps if you were creating a follow up to this story?
I would try and look on their website or on google to find out the reason why they are deciding to make a big step to do this.

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