Monday, October 26, 2009

MSB people, groups & orgs!

1. San Diego branch of Coast keeperI think I would want to interview someone from Coast keeper because i think they have good information to help me on my topic. I read their mission and part of it is how they want to have clean water and a healthy coastal ecosystem.
2.Grinning PlanetI think from Grinning Planet i could interview people there and about all the information they have on their website and everything they know about pollution because they are based on pollution effects. it could be good information so i can have lots of good facts.
3.Heal the BayI think Heal the Bay would have lots of good information on pollution in the ocean and nearby bays. So if I interviewed someone there i could get lots of facts from water close to my house.

1. Councilmember Ben Hueso
Ben Hueso is in charge of the communities in district 8 near Tijuana.

2. Councilmember Sherri Lighter
Sherri Lighter is in charge of the communities in district 1.

3. Councilmember President Kevin Faulconer
Kevin Faulconer is in charge of the communities in district 2.

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