Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Internship 1

Internship 1

Dress: The dress for my internship is very laid back when it comes to dress. I have to look professional looking with a collard shirt.

My Workspace: The workspace I am granted with is a small little office. I have a laptop to work on, my mentor sitting right next to me and a lot of papers.

My Work: For my work I started on making the High Tech High Storm Baseball webpage with some rough sketches of how the page would look like.

What struck you, Interesting experience: I think this picture falls under both what struck me and interesting experience. I think so because I have never set of a soccer field and I realized the work that goes into it. The soccer goal that you can see is 3 parts. The parts of the goal plugged in like a puzzle. Me and my mentor had to make sure that the cones were evenly on both sides and make sure that the goal was even with the other goal. It was interesting and stuck me because I play sports and I know what it takes to set up other sports but i did not know what it took for soccer. It also struck me what goes on for just setting up a simple game of middle school soccer.

Is money a problem to fund the various sport programs at the HTH?

How does the HTH sports program play as a role in the economy?

This morning I woke up at around 7:44 am. I hopped in the car around 8am and drove to school. after i dropped of my brother me and my mom got bagels and Jamba Juice. I got to school about 9am and was waiting until 9:30 to start my internship. In the beginning of internship me and my mentor (which is my baseball coach) talked about everything I was going to work on through out my internship. When we finished talking about what I am going to do for him i realized it will be a lot of work but should be rewarding in the end. I will be helping out with some of the HTH and HTM sports programs by setting them up and making a website for them. I think that this internship will be benefiting not just for me but for the sports programs in general.

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