Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Internship 14

Cory Tatz
Athletic Director for HTHV

Q: Do you enjoy what you do for HIgh Tech High? Why?

A: Yes, I do very much. This is what I always wanted to do all my life. And im doing exactly what I really enjoy doing, theres noting to me more gratifying then doing exactly the sports and the athletics and getting it started and making it work and seeing all the success the students are seeing in sports.

Q: Why did you become the athletic director?

A: Ive always loved athletics since I was young. I think it means a lot to both the students and i also think its healthy for the students to be involved in athletics. In some situations that i have been in I didn't feel like athletics were done properly. and I wanted to develop a program that i thought was not only a program in playing sports but also teaching proper edique and being a good citizen in a good way of a good sport in a way that they went about things and I think we are achieving that here at High Tech High

Q: What makes you so passionate about being a baseball coach?

A: I love baseball more then anything else. its my passion in life. Theres noting id rather do than be on a baseball field. and i felt that way for many many years and ive coached for a lot of years as a result of that. Theres nothing better than being out on a field on a nice sunny day and doing something like this and seeing the success of the boys that play every year and watching them go on possibly to play else where or to remember their baseball or something in high school that they really enjoyed.

The, post the highlights of your mentor interview. This should be three to five questions and their answers.

These questions and answers that i choose because i though that these were important questions when it come to my mentors job. And I also thought that they were good responces to the questions that I asked

1 comment:

  1. I like that not only did you ask him why he became the athletic director, but what makes him so passionate about sports to begin with. This really lets us get to know him both as your mentor and as a person. Plus, it lets us know that he has been playing baseball since he was just a kid himself, which is good background history.
