Monday, January 11, 2010

Internship 3

1. What skills would you like to develop at your site?
I would like to develop being more creative not just with making a website but with everything I do. Also one big thing is have good communication and finding the most effective ways to communicate with people.

2. What interests do you have regarding the work done at your site?
The work done at my site that interests me is the Facebook page, communicating with all the baseball players, making a HTH baseball website, and lastly a website for my mentors personal company.

3. What needs can you address (needs your mentor has, your company has, etc.) based on your skills and interests?
The needs that I will cover is a Facebook page for the baseball team, a website for the baseball team, and a website for my mentors personal company.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like you have a pretty good grasp on what you wold like to do while at your internship. Since you already have previous experience with making websites this should be a perfect project for you, plus it can help out the baseball team a lot.
