Sunday, January 24, 2010

Internship 11

This week during internship it was a working week. On tuesday i got an assignment from my backup mentor. Because my mentor was out for the week. The assignment that I got was to put together a 0:30 to 0:45 second pro mo video for the HTM nerf tag tournament. It was a job in its self. I got the tape with all of the video, a camera and I had to do the rest. I had to go around looking for a 4 to 6 pin firewire cable for the camera to upload the footage. I had 40 min of video and 4 pictures that had to b condensed into 0:30 to 0:45 seconds. This task took me around 3 days to complete. I watched all the video to get the best audio and video from the 40 minutes. It takes a lot of patients to be a video editor. For me I like wen every single second of what you see, and hear is as good as I can get it. I put different effects video to make it more interesting and also adding some slow motion and fast motion effects. On friday is wen my mentor Rodney Garica looked over it to see what he wanted to change and wanted to keep. It was not very much to change but made it just a little better. I think that everyone liked the final video that got to see it. I also got the watch and co-host the 1 on 1 tournament for the HTM neft tag.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you talked about how much time it took you to edit 40 minutes of video to a 40 second video. It really gives an appreciation for the work you have been doing. Also, I like how you mentioned that you really wanted to do your best on the video and how you felt like everybody really enjoyed it in the end, it shows that your hard-work is appreciated which is an extremely good thing.
